balancing everyday life



I’m Dr Des Maher (Chinese Medicine).
I practice a combination of Japanese Acupuncture, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Cupping Therapy and Yangsheng, the ancient Chinese art of nourishing life.

I believe that the body is always working towards a state of equilibrium and sometimes we just need some assistance to bring it back into a harmonious state of being.

what I can help with

Acupuncture and Chinese medicine can assist the body in reducing inflammation, reducing pain symptoms, improving digestive health, decreasing stress and anxiety while promoting rest and recovery.

  • stress & anxiety

    Chinese medicine releases energetic imbalances in the body, which affect our mental health and well-being and will support relief from symptoms of stress, anxiety and depression.

  • pain management

    Acupuncture is effective in pain relief by influencing the release of neurotransmitters and is a safe option for conditions such as headaches, immune dysfunction and digestive disorders.

  • fatigue

    Acupuncture and Chinese medicine have the ability to nourish yin organs that are paramount in the implementation of re-energising the body's fundamental Qi or energy source.

  • women's health

    Restoring women’s internal cycles and encouraging good health through acupuncture, herbal formulas, dietary and lifestyle changes.

  • Acupuncture for Pregnancy


    Pregnancy is a time of great joy and excitement, and it is also a time of many changes within the female body.

  • Acupuncture for IVF


    Acupuncture offers a natural and safe way to support your wellbeing throughout your IVF journey.


how I can help

My health practice utilises Japanese acupuncture as its main treatment option, however, I will include other important techniques such as moxibustion, cupping therapy, gua sha and herbal formulas depending on my diagnosis.

  • acupuncture

    Acupuncture is proficient at harmonizing the body’s innate healing mechanisms and can assist with relief from various dis-ease symptoms with a treatment that is not only remedial but restorative and relaxing.

  • Chinese herbal medicine

    Herbal formulas are a fundamental part of a Chinese medicine diagnosis and are a natural way to work on the patients resistance to disease while restoring the body’s natural functioning.

  • moxibustion

    The healing properties of moxibustion warms and nourishes acupuncture points and channels by expelling cold, promoting the movement of Qi and Blood and eliminating stagnation.

  • Traditional Chinese Medicine

    traditional Chinese medicine

    TCM has been part of Chinese culture for at least 2,200 years. It incorporates acupuncture, moxibustion, Chinese herbs, cupping, gua sha, tui na and yangsheng.

  • cupping therapy icon

    cupping therapy

    When our body is not as efficient as it should be in excreting toxins and cellular debris appropriately, the vacuum action created by cupping assists the body’s elimination process.

  • Yangsheng


    Yangsheng is an ancient Chinese practice promoting longevity and vitality through our everyday habits and practices. In my clinic, all acupuncture sessions are underpinned with yangsheng.


Come and see what Chinese medicine could do for you!