Chinese herbal medicine
Chinese herbs and formulas are a natural way to work on resistance to disease while re-balancing the body.
Herbal formulas are a fundamental part of a Chinese medicine diagnosis and treatment.
They have a long history in providing medicinal benefits long before Li Shizhen wrote the Grand Compendium of Materia Medica, published in 1596.
With this extraordinary history of usage, the same herbs and formulas are still prevalent today for their strong therapeutic and balancing effects, without disrupting the body’s innate healing capacity and maintaining internal balance.
how it works
Herbal formulas are devised to perform certain functions within the body as well as to work synergistically together, with most formulas having rarely changed since ancient times.
Individuals may have the same diagnosed western medicine ‘condition’ however the herbal formula prescribed will be different to meet each individuals specific body symptoms.
Herbal formulas are able to alleviate symptoms, supplement and nourish deficiencies and gently bring the body back in balance and harmony.
what to expect
Herbal medicine can include parts of plants such as roots, barks, stems, seeds, flowers and fruits as well as mineral substances.
Frequently used ingredients can include ginger (Sheng Jiang), licorice root (Gan Cao), Chinese ginseng (Ren Sheng), Chinese agelica root (Dong Gui) and goji berries (Gou Ji Zi).
Herbal formulas are prescribed, in conjunction with acupuncture, to clear pathogens and nourish and support the body in order to maintain well-being.
All herbal formulas have passed TGA’s stringent quality control mechanisms to ensure and safeguard your health.
Herbs are provided as granulated extracts in capsules that are easy to ingest. Formulas for tonification, moistening and harmonising are generally used in low dosages over a longer period of time. However, exterior releasing and heat clearing formulas are prescribed in higher dosages over a shorter time length.
Dosages will be specified at the time of prescription.
Come and see what Chinese medicine could do for you!